10/14/24 October Board of Education Meeding Minutes
October 14, 2024
This agenda was published in Niobrara Tribune, October 9, 2024.
Matt Moody
Ward Adema
Kristine Flyinghawk
Susan Bolling
Diane Teadtke
Matt Paulsen -Absent
Margaret Sandoz, Superintendent-absent
Sarah Higgins, Principal
Val Mullanix, Principal
Chairman Moody opened the Committee on American Civics Hearing at 5:45 p.m. Chairman Moody closed the Committee on American Civics Hearing at 5:55 p.m. and opened the Indian Policy and Procedures Hearing at 5:55 p.m. and closed the Indian Policy and Procedures Hearing at 6:00 p.m. Chairman Moody called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. It was noted that LB898 dealing with Open Meeting Laws was duly posted. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all present.
Motion by Bolling and Seconded by Teadtke to approve the agenda. RCV: Adema-aye, Teadtke-aye, Flyinghawk-aye, Bolling-aye, Moody-aye. Paulsen-absent. Motion Approved.
Motion by Teadtke and seconded by Bolling to approve the minutes from the regular meeting held on September 9, 2024. RCV: Teadtke-aye, Bolling-aye, Flyinghawk-aye, Moody-aye, Adema-aye. Paulsen-absent. Motion Approved.
The following bills were presented.
Motion by Bolling and seconded by Teadtke to approve the bills as presented: RCV: Flyinghawk-aye, Bolling-aye, Moody-aye, Adema-aye, Teadtke-aye. Paulsen-absent. Motion Approved.
The financial report was presented. Motion by Adema and seconded by Teadtke to approve the financial report. RCV: Bolling-aye, Moody-aye, Adema-aye, Teadtke-aye, Flyinghawk-aye. Paulsen-absent. Motion Approved.
Fall student count as of October 1, 2024, was presented.
The Multicultural Report for 2023-2024 was presented to the Niobrara Public School Board.
Motion by Adema and seconded by Teadtke to accept and approve the Indian Policies and Procedures as presented. RCV: Adema-aye, Teadtke-aye, Flyinghawk-aye, Bolling-aye, Moody-aye. Paulsen-absent. Motion Approved.
The Regalia Committee shared findings and recommendations.
Motion by Adema and seconded by Flyinghawk to pay $700. 00 from the Special Building Fund to Carlson West Povondra. RCV: Teadtke-aye, Flyinghawk-aye, Bolling-aye, Moody-aye, Adema-aye. Paulsen-absent. Motion Approved.
Administrative Reports were given.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. The next meetings are scheduled for November 11, 2024, at 6 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Hillman, Recording Secretary